It is hard to get low interest credit cards for no credit, but it is not impossible to do so. When you have no credit history, the credit card providers have less trust in you. You have to get settled with the best offer you get because clearly, you don’t have as many options as the people with good credits do. But, a few credit card providers have come up with credit cards with low interest for the people with no credit. Here’s our list of top credit cards for no credit.
Wells Fargo Cash Back College
Discover it Secured Card
Petal Visa Credit Card
Wells Fargo Cash Back College
- 0% annual fee
- 0% Introductory APR
- 3% cash rewards earned for up to the spending of $2500 for the first 6 months. 1% cashback for each $1 purchase from your card.
Discover it Secured Card
- 0% annual fee
- The minimum deposit is $200
- You can upgrade to unsecured card anytime when your score gets better.
- This is a low fee credit card within the reach of people with no credit history
Petal Visa Credit Card
- 0% annual fee
- 14.75% to 24.75% regular APR
- 1% cashback on all purchases. 1.25% after 6 months, 1.5% after 1 year of timely payments.
- 0% foreign transaction fee
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